Under canvas: Camping in Oxfordshire
In a moment of weakness, Clover Stroud has agreed to go camping every weekend this summer with her young children, Jimmy Joe, and Dolly.
It is a Sunday afternoon and when it stops raining for 10 minutes I take Hay, my Jack Russell, and my two children for a walk in the field behind the house.
Hay chases rabbits in the brambles that grow close to the railway line and Jimmy Joe, who is seven, and Dolly, four, make a camp in the cow parsley that is already starting to lose some of its froth and go to seed.
The confetti of blossom that litters our path during spring has passed, and the grass is nearly waist high, dotted with buttercups and poppies.
The children try to persuade me to take our tent out to the field to camp for the night, but it's Sunday, and that means violin practice and homework and packed lunches to make for tomorrow morning. But I promise them both that we will go camping all the time this summer.
"All the time? Every weekend?" says Jimmy Joe, squinting at me through the slanting evening sun. "Okay. Sure," I hear myself saying. "Let's camp every weekend."
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Vocabulary Game
For each word you get right, they donate 20 grains of rice through UN World Food Program...
Friday, July 4, 2008
StoryBox, AdventureBox & DiscoveryBox...`
A SmartyCat fan named "Book" (thank you!) sent a link to Story Box Books... http://www.storyboxbooks.com/ Smarty Cat took a look and seems very interesting and good.
A read-aloud magazine to share with young children
Each StoryBox (ages 3-6) issue contains 52 pages with:
Managing Publisher: Christine Auberger
Sales and Promotion Manager: Andrea Chhan
Editorial Coordinator: Elena Iribarren
Editor in chief: Simona Sideri
Art Director: Pat Carter
Text and Research: Liz Sheperd
1st floor
2 King street
Peterborough PE1 1LT
or send an email at contact@bayard-magazines.co.uk
It's always good to READ the about and check out who's doing something online—to make sure of the safety of your family. PLEASE CONTACT or CALL ANY BUSINESS you wish to subscribe to or fill out a form. Google them too. Safety is always best.
A read-aloud magazine to share with young children
Each StoryBox (ages 3-6) issue contains 52 pages with:
- An engaging and exciting 25-page story that young children will enjoy listening to, with rich, full-page illustrations
- Animal and Science pages to encourage children's curiosity and introduce them to scientific thinking
- Comic: A picture-story about everyday life at the Lovett's, with characters children will look forward to meeting each month
- Number and letter skills practised through play
- Poems from Judith Nicholls
- An exciting 44-page chapter-story illustrated in full colour on every page with clearly-presented text and simple vocabulary to help beginner readers find their own reading pace
- Fascinating topics and interactive activities about the natural world
- Word searches and games to stimulate children's reasoning
- A comic strip story for a lot of fun with mischievous heroes and wacky scenarios
- Animal section with stunning photos and concise, informative texts to introduce children to animals
- History section with historical events retold through a picture story, facts and photos to stimulate reader's appetite for learning about the past
- Science pages with scientific topics through pictures and with instructions for simple and exciting experiments
- Stories, quizzes, funfacts, games, recipes, things to make and do, jokes, puzzles, cartoons and more.
Managing Publisher: Christine Auberger
Sales and Promotion Manager: Andrea Chhan
Editorial Coordinator: Elena Iribarren
Editor in chief: Simona Sideri
Art Director: Pat Carter
Text and Research: Liz Sheperd
1st floor
2 King street
Peterborough PE1 1LT
or send an email at contact@bayard-magazines.co.uk
It's always good to READ the about and check out who's doing something online—to make sure of the safety of your family. PLEASE CONTACT or CALL ANY BUSINESS you wish to subscribe to or fill out a form. Google them too. Safety is always best.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Independent inventors around the world
7-UP (Charles Leiper Grigg)
56K modem (Dr. Brent Townshend)
Adolphs Meat Tenderizer (Adolph Rempp)
Adverteasing (Richard Levy)
Aerobies (Alan Adler)
airbag (Allen Breed)
air brake (George Westinghouse)
air conditioning (Willis Carrier)
airplane (Orville & Wilbur Wright)
Independent inventors around the world
7-UP (Charles Leiper Grigg)
56K modem (Dr. Brent Townshend)
Adolphs Meat Tenderizer (Adolph Rempp)
Adverteasing (Richard Levy)
Aerobies (Alan Adler)
airbag (Allen Breed)
air brake (George Westinghouse)
air conditioning (Willis Carrier)
airplane (Orville & Wilbur Wright)
air purifier (Frederick Cottrell)
alternating current (Nicola Tesla)
Apgar newborn scoring system (Virginia Apgar)
Apple computer (Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak)
aqualung (Jacques Cousteau)
atom masher (Ernest Lawrence and Robert Vandergraff)
ATM (Luther Simijian)
audio sound generators (William Hewlett)
automatic sliding doors (Dee Horton and Lew Hewitt)
Avery labels (Stan Avery)
baby bottle with hole in the middle (Nickie and William Campbell)
ball point pen (John Loud)
Barbie doll (Ruth Handler)
basketball game (James Naismith)
Beanie Babies (Ty Warner)
blender (Stephen Poplawski)
Blue jeans (Levi Strauss)
brown n serve dinner rolls (Joe Gregor)
brown paper bag (Margaret Knight)
calculator (William Seward Burroughs)
Candy Land game (Eleanor Abbott)
can opener (William W. Lyman)
car radio (Paul Galvin)
carpet sweeper (Melville Bissell)
Castro Convertible sofa beds (Bernard Castro)
CB Walkie-Talkie (Al Gross)
Celestial Seasonings herbal tea (Mo Siegel)
celluloid (John Hyatt)
cereal (George Kellogg)
Chiclets chewing gum (Thomas Adams )
Clearasil (Ivan Combe)
Clue board game (Anthony Pratt)
Coca-Cola (Dr. John S. Pemberton)
color film - Kodachrome (Leo Godowsky & Leopold Mannes)
condensed milk (Gail Borden)
cotton candy machine (Thomas Patton)
cotton gin (Eli Whitney)
Cracker Jack (F.W. Rueckheim)
Crayola crayons (Edwin Binney & Harold Smith)
crossword puzzle (Arthur Wynne)
Cuisanart (Carl G Sontheimer)
Curling Iron (Theora Stephens)
Cylinder Lock (Linus Yale)
Delta faucet (Alex Manoogian)
diesel engine (Rudolph Diesel)
digital fax (Robert Wernikoff)
digital compact disk (James Russell)
dishwasher (Josephine Garis Cochraine)
disposable diaper (Marion Donovan)
disposable paper cup (Hugh Moore)
Doctor Bag toy (Jack Pressman)
DoveBar ice cream (Leo Stefanos)
Dr. Scholls foot care products (Dr. William Scholl)
dynamite (Alfred Nobel)
earmuffs (Chester Greenwood)
eight-track tape player (Bernard Cousino)
electric blanket (S. I. Russell)
electronic calculators (An Wang)
electric shaver (Jacob Schick)
electro-magnetic motor (Nicola Tesla)
elevator (Elisha Otis)
engine-driven generator (Delco) - Charles Kettering
Erector Sets (A.C. Gilbert)
escalator (Jesse Reno)
Eskimo Pie (D.F. Duncan Sr.)
Etch-A-Sketch (Paul Chase)
fax (Elisha Gray)
Fig Newton (James Mitchell)
Flexible Flyer® Sled (Samuel Leeds Allen)
fly swatter (Frank H. Rose)
FM radio (Edwin Armstrong)
freestone peach (Luther Burbank)
Frisbee ( Fred Morrison)
frozen foods (Clarence Birdseye)
frozen pizza (Rose Totino)
Furby talking stuffed animal (Dave Hampton)
gas mask (Garrett Morgan)
Gatling gun (Richard Gatling)
Gatorade (Robert Cade, M.D.)
George Foreman grill (Michael Boehm)
G.I. Joe (Stanley Weston)
golf tee (Dr. William Lowell)
GORE-TEX® fabric (Wilbert L. and Genevieve Gore)
Graham Crackers (Sylvester Graham)
granola bars (Stanley Mason)
grocery cart (Sylvan Goldman)
gyroscopic compass (Elmer Ambrose Sperry)
Hacky Sack (John Stalberger & Mike Marshall)
Hawaiian Tropic suntan oils (Ron Rice)
helicopter (Igor Sikorsky)
home smoke detector (Randolph Smith and Kenneth House)
hot dog roller cooker (Calvin MacCracken)
Hot Wheels toy cars (Elliot Handler)
hovercraft (Charles Fletcher)
Hula Hoop (Richard Knerr and Arthur “Spud� Melin, founders of the Wham-O Company)
Idaho potato (Luther Burbank)
imaging sonar (Robert H. Rines)
implantable cardiac pacemaker (Wilson Greatbatch)
intermittent windshield wiper (Robert Kearns)
Jacuzzi whirlpool (Candido and Roy Jacuzzi)
Jantzen swimwear (John and Roy Zehntbauer)
Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart (Robert Jarvik)
Jell-O® (Peter Cooper)
jet ski (Clayton Jacobsen)
Jolt Cola (C.J. Rapp)
Kewpie Doll (Rose O’Neil)
Kirby Vacuum (Jim Kirby)
Kitty Litter (Edward Lowe)
Knox Gelatin (Rose Markward Knox)
KOOL-AID (Edwin Perkins)
Koosh Ball (Scott Stillinger)
laser (Gordon Gould)
La-Z-Boy recliner (Edwin Shoemaker)
Lear jet (Bill Lear)
Lego Toys (Ole Kirk Christiansen)
lie detector (John Larson)
Life Savers Candy (Clarence Crane)
light bulb (Thomas Edison)
Lincoln Logs (John Lloyd Wright)
Lionel Trains (Joshua Lionel Cowen & Â Harry Grant)
Liquid Paper (Bette Nesmith Graham)
Madame Alexander Dolls (Beatrice Alexander Behrman)
magnetic core memory (Jay Forrester)
manufacture of aluminum (Charles Hall)
Matchbox Cars (Jack Odell)
Maytag washers (Fred Maytag)
M-16 weapon (Eugene Stoner)
microphone & gramophone (Emile Berliner)
microwave cookware (Stanley Mason)
miniature golf (Garnet Carter)
Moen faucets (Al Moen)
monkey wrench (Charles Moncky)
Monopoly board game (Charles Barrow)
mood rings (Marvin Wernick)
Morse code (Samuel Morse)
MRI (Raymond Damadian)
Murphy bed (Willliam Murphy)
Nerf ball (Reynolds Guyer)
Nike shoe (Bill Bowerman)
nuclear reactor (Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard)
oasis floral foam (Vernon Smithers)
Odor-Eaters (Herbert Lapidus)
outboard motor (Ole Evinrude)
package saver for pizza (Carmela Vitale)
Paint Roller (Norman Breakey)
parking meter (Carlton Magee)
PC-DOS and MS-DOS computer operating systems (Tim Patterson)
peanut butter (George Washington Carver)
Pepperidge Farm bakery (Margaret Rudkin)
Pepsi-Cola (Caleb Bradham)
permanent hair wave machine (Marjorie Joyner)
Phillips head screw (Henry F. Phillips)
phonograph (Thomas Edison)
pinball - coin operated (Raymond Maloney)Â
plastic (Leo Baekeland)
Play-Doh (Joe McVicker)
pneumatic tire (J.B. Dunlop)
Polaroid camera (Edwin Land)
Polarizing sunglasses (Edwin Land)
Pong - 1st video game (Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari Co.)
Popsicles (Frank Epperson)
pop top can (Ermal Fraze)
pop-up tissue box (Andrew Olsen)
pop-up toaster (Charles Strite)
portable kidney dialysis machine (Dean Kamen)
postage stamping machine (Arthur Pitney)
potato chips (George Crum)
PowerBars snack food (Brian Maxwell)
power hand tools (Black & Decker)
power steering (Francis Davis)
print-to-speech reading machine (Ray Kurzweil)
punch card tabulating machine (Herman Hollerith)
Q-Tips® (Leo Gerstenzang)
quartz timers (George Pierce and Walter Cady)
radar imaging (Robert H. Rines)
radio (Guglielmo Marconi)
Radio Flyer wagon (Antonio Pasin)
radio tube (Dr. Lee deForest)
Raggedy Ann & Andy (John B. Gruelle)
railroad sound dampening apparatus (Mary Walton)
ready mix paint (Henry Sherwin)
reel to reel film (Hannibal Goodwin)
respirator (Dr. Forrest Bird)
revolver (Samuel Colt)
rickshaw (Rev. Jonathan Scobie)
rocketry (Robert Goddard)
Rollerblades (Scott & Brennan Olsen)
rollercoasters (John Miller)
roll film for cameras (George Eastman)
Rolodex (Alfred Neustadter)
Safety Bicycle (J.K. Starley)
safety pin (Walter Hunt)
safety razor (King Gillette)
Samsonite luggage (Jesse Shwayder)
Scrabble board game (Alfred Butts)
ship propeller (John Ericsson)
Silly Putty (Peter Hodgson)
silo (Fred Hatch)
Slam Dunk (Chuck Foley)
Slinky toy (Richard James)
snowblower (Arthur Sicard)
snowboard (Tim Sims)
snowmaking machine (Wayne Pierce)
Snugli baby carrier (Ann Moore)
soda straw (Otto Diefenbach)
solar powered airplane (Paul MacCready)
S.O.S. scouring pads (Edwin W. Cox)
space guidance systems (Charles Draper)
Speaking Doll (Thomas Edison)
spiral ham slicing machine (Harry Hoenselaar)
standardized cooking recipes (Fannie Farmer)
Stowaway Portable Keyboard (Bob Olodort)
strobe lights (Harold Edgerton)
submarine (Cornelius van Drebbel)
super computer (Seymour Cray)
SuperSoaker (Lonnie Johnson)
telecommunications for the deaf (Robert Weitbrecht)
telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)
television (Philo Farnsworth)
traffic light (Garrett Morgan)
Tabasco Sauce (Edmund McIhenny)
teddy bear (Morris Michtom, founder, Ideal Toy Co.)
Teva sandals (Mark Thatcher)
Tickle Me Elmo doll (Ron Druben)
Timex watches (Joakim Lehmkuhl)
Tinkertoys (Charles Pajeau)
Toll House cookie recipe (Ruth Wakefield)
Topsy Tail (Tomima Edmark)
touch screen (Dr. Sam Hurst)
tow truck (Ernest Holmes, Sr.)
trampoline (George Nissan)
Tupperware (Earl Tupper)
tuxedo (Pierre Lorillard)
TV on-screen programming (Michael Levine)
2000 Flushes toilet bowl cleaner (Al Eisen)
Twister (Chuck Foley)
typewriter (Christopher Sholes)
vacuum bottle (James Dewar)
vacuum cleaner (Ives McGaffney)
Velcro (George de Mestral)
Vicks VapoRub (Lunsford Richardson)
View-Master (William Gruber & Harold Graves)
vulcanized rubber (Charles Goodyear)
Walkman (Jerome Lemelson)
waterbed (Charlie Hall)
water skis (Ralph Samuelson)
water softener (Emmett Culligan)
Water Talkies (Richie Stachowski)
wheelchairs (Harry Jennings)
Whitman Sampler (Stephen Whitman)
Wizzzer toy top (Paul Brown)
World Wide Web (Tim Berners-Lee)
xerography (photocopying - Xerox) (Chester Carlson)
Zamboni ice resurfacer for ice skating rinks (Frank Zamboni)
zipper (Whitcomb Judson)
56K modem (Dr. Brent Townshend)
Adolphs Meat Tenderizer (Adolph Rempp)
Adverteasing (Richard Levy)
Aerobies (Alan Adler)
airbag (Allen Breed)
air brake (George Westinghouse)
air conditioning (Willis Carrier)
airplane (Orville & Wilbur Wright)
Independent inventors around the world
7-UP (Charles Leiper Grigg)
56K modem (Dr. Brent Townshend)
Adolphs Meat Tenderizer (Adolph Rempp)
Adverteasing (Richard Levy)
Aerobies (Alan Adler)
airbag (Allen Breed)
air brake (George Westinghouse)
air conditioning (Willis Carrier)
airplane (Orville & Wilbur Wright)
air purifier (Frederick Cottrell)
alternating current (Nicola Tesla)
Apgar newborn scoring system (Virginia Apgar)
Apple computer (Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak)
aqualung (Jacques Cousteau)
atom masher (Ernest Lawrence and Robert Vandergraff)
ATM (Luther Simijian)
audio sound generators (William Hewlett)
automatic sliding doors (Dee Horton and Lew Hewitt)
Avery labels (Stan Avery)
baby bottle with hole in the middle (Nickie and William Campbell)
ball point pen (John Loud)
Barbie doll (Ruth Handler)
basketball game (James Naismith)
Beanie Babies (Ty Warner)
blender (Stephen Poplawski)
Blue jeans (Levi Strauss)
brown n serve dinner rolls (Joe Gregor)
brown paper bag (Margaret Knight)
calculator (William Seward Burroughs)
Candy Land game (Eleanor Abbott)
can opener (William W. Lyman)
car radio (Paul Galvin)
carpet sweeper (Melville Bissell)
Castro Convertible sofa beds (Bernard Castro)
CB Walkie-Talkie (Al Gross)
Celestial Seasonings herbal tea (Mo Siegel)
celluloid (John Hyatt)
cereal (George Kellogg)
Chiclets chewing gum (Thomas Adams )
Clearasil (Ivan Combe)
Clue board game (Anthony Pratt)
Coca-Cola (Dr. John S. Pemberton)
color film - Kodachrome (Leo Godowsky & Leopold Mannes)
condensed milk (Gail Borden)
cotton candy machine (Thomas Patton)
cotton gin (Eli Whitney)
Cracker Jack (F.W. Rueckheim)
Crayola crayons (Edwin Binney & Harold Smith)
crossword puzzle (Arthur Wynne)
Cuisanart (Carl G Sontheimer)
Curling Iron (Theora Stephens)
Cylinder Lock (Linus Yale)
Delta faucet (Alex Manoogian)
diesel engine (Rudolph Diesel)
digital fax (Robert Wernikoff)
digital compact disk (James Russell)
dishwasher (Josephine Garis Cochraine)
disposable diaper (Marion Donovan)
disposable paper cup (Hugh Moore)
Doctor Bag toy (Jack Pressman)
DoveBar ice cream (Leo Stefanos)
Dr. Scholls foot care products (Dr. William Scholl)
dynamite (Alfred Nobel)
earmuffs (Chester Greenwood)
eight-track tape player (Bernard Cousino)
electric blanket (S. I. Russell)
electronic calculators (An Wang)
electric shaver (Jacob Schick)
electro-magnetic motor (Nicola Tesla)
elevator (Elisha Otis)
engine-driven generator (Delco) - Charles Kettering
Erector Sets (A.C. Gilbert)
escalator (Jesse Reno)
Eskimo Pie (D.F. Duncan Sr.)
Etch-A-Sketch (Paul Chase)
fax (Elisha Gray)
Fig Newton (James Mitchell)
Flexible Flyer® Sled (Samuel Leeds Allen)
fly swatter (Frank H. Rose)
FM radio (Edwin Armstrong)
freestone peach (Luther Burbank)
Frisbee ( Fred Morrison)
frozen foods (Clarence Birdseye)
frozen pizza (Rose Totino)
Furby talking stuffed animal (Dave Hampton)
gas mask (Garrett Morgan)
Gatling gun (Richard Gatling)
Gatorade (Robert Cade, M.D.)
George Foreman grill (Michael Boehm)
G.I. Joe (Stanley Weston)
golf tee (Dr. William Lowell)
GORE-TEX® fabric (Wilbert L. and Genevieve Gore)
Graham Crackers (Sylvester Graham)
granola bars (Stanley Mason)
grocery cart (Sylvan Goldman)
gyroscopic compass (Elmer Ambrose Sperry)
Hacky Sack (John Stalberger & Mike Marshall)
Hawaiian Tropic suntan oils (Ron Rice)
helicopter (Igor Sikorsky)
home smoke detector (Randolph Smith and Kenneth House)
hot dog roller cooker (Calvin MacCracken)
Hot Wheels toy cars (Elliot Handler)
hovercraft (Charles Fletcher)
Hula Hoop (Richard Knerr and Arthur “Spud� Melin, founders of the Wham-O Company)
Idaho potato (Luther Burbank)
imaging sonar (Robert H. Rines)
implantable cardiac pacemaker (Wilson Greatbatch)
intermittent windshield wiper (Robert Kearns)
Jacuzzi whirlpool (Candido and Roy Jacuzzi)
Jantzen swimwear (John and Roy Zehntbauer)
Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart (Robert Jarvik)
Jell-O® (Peter Cooper)
jet ski (Clayton Jacobsen)
Jolt Cola (C.J. Rapp)
Kewpie Doll (Rose O’Neil)
Kirby Vacuum (Jim Kirby)
Kitty Litter (Edward Lowe)
Knox Gelatin (Rose Markward Knox)
KOOL-AID (Edwin Perkins)
Koosh Ball (Scott Stillinger)
laser (Gordon Gould)
La-Z-Boy recliner (Edwin Shoemaker)
Lear jet (Bill Lear)
Lego Toys (Ole Kirk Christiansen)
lie detector (John Larson)
Life Savers Candy (Clarence Crane)
light bulb (Thomas Edison)
Lincoln Logs (John Lloyd Wright)
Lionel Trains (Joshua Lionel Cowen & Â Harry Grant)
Liquid Paper (Bette Nesmith Graham)
Madame Alexander Dolls (Beatrice Alexander Behrman)
magnetic core memory (Jay Forrester)
manufacture of aluminum (Charles Hall)
Matchbox Cars (Jack Odell)
Maytag washers (Fred Maytag)
M-16 weapon (Eugene Stoner)
microphone & gramophone (Emile Berliner)
microwave cookware (Stanley Mason)
miniature golf (Garnet Carter)
Moen faucets (Al Moen)
monkey wrench (Charles Moncky)
Monopoly board game (Charles Barrow)
mood rings (Marvin Wernick)
Morse code (Samuel Morse)
MRI (Raymond Damadian)
Murphy bed (Willliam Murphy)
Nerf ball (Reynolds Guyer)
Nike shoe (Bill Bowerman)
nuclear reactor (Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard)
oasis floral foam (Vernon Smithers)
Odor-Eaters (Herbert Lapidus)
outboard motor (Ole Evinrude)
package saver for pizza (Carmela Vitale)
Paint Roller (Norman Breakey)
parking meter (Carlton Magee)
PC-DOS and MS-DOS computer operating systems (Tim Patterson)
peanut butter (George Washington Carver)
Pepperidge Farm bakery (Margaret Rudkin)
Pepsi-Cola (Caleb Bradham)
permanent hair wave machine (Marjorie Joyner)
Phillips head screw (Henry F. Phillips)
phonograph (Thomas Edison)
pinball - coin operated (Raymond Maloney)Â
plastic (Leo Baekeland)
Play-Doh (Joe McVicker)
pneumatic tire (J.B. Dunlop)
Polaroid camera (Edwin Land)
Polarizing sunglasses (Edwin Land)
Pong - 1st video game (Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari Co.)
Popsicles (Frank Epperson)
pop top can (Ermal Fraze)
pop-up tissue box (Andrew Olsen)
pop-up toaster (Charles Strite)
portable kidney dialysis machine (Dean Kamen)
postage stamping machine (Arthur Pitney)
potato chips (George Crum)
PowerBars snack food (Brian Maxwell)
power hand tools (Black & Decker)
power steering (Francis Davis)
print-to-speech reading machine (Ray Kurzweil)
punch card tabulating machine (Herman Hollerith)
Q-Tips® (Leo Gerstenzang)
quartz timers (George Pierce and Walter Cady)
radar imaging (Robert H. Rines)
radio (Guglielmo Marconi)
Radio Flyer wagon (Antonio Pasin)
radio tube (Dr. Lee deForest)
Raggedy Ann & Andy (John B. Gruelle)
railroad sound dampening apparatus (Mary Walton)
ready mix paint (Henry Sherwin)
reel to reel film (Hannibal Goodwin)
respirator (Dr. Forrest Bird)
revolver (Samuel Colt)
rickshaw (Rev. Jonathan Scobie)
rocketry (Robert Goddard)
Rollerblades (Scott & Brennan Olsen)
rollercoasters (John Miller)
roll film for cameras (George Eastman)
Rolodex (Alfred Neustadter)
Safety Bicycle (J.K. Starley)
safety pin (Walter Hunt)
safety razor (King Gillette)
Samsonite luggage (Jesse Shwayder)
Scrabble board game (Alfred Butts)
ship propeller (John Ericsson)
Silly Putty (Peter Hodgson)
silo (Fred Hatch)
Slam Dunk (Chuck Foley)
Slinky toy (Richard James)
snowblower (Arthur Sicard)
snowboard (Tim Sims)
snowmaking machine (Wayne Pierce)
Snugli baby carrier (Ann Moore)
soda straw (Otto Diefenbach)
solar powered airplane (Paul MacCready)
S.O.S. scouring pads (Edwin W. Cox)
space guidance systems (Charles Draper)
Speaking Doll (Thomas Edison)
spiral ham slicing machine (Harry Hoenselaar)
standardized cooking recipes (Fannie Farmer)
Stowaway Portable Keyboard (Bob Olodort)
strobe lights (Harold Edgerton)
submarine (Cornelius van Drebbel)
super computer (Seymour Cray)
SuperSoaker (Lonnie Johnson)
telecommunications for the deaf (Robert Weitbrecht)
telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)
television (Philo Farnsworth)
traffic light (Garrett Morgan)
Tabasco Sauce (Edmund McIhenny)
teddy bear (Morris Michtom, founder, Ideal Toy Co.)
Teva sandals (Mark Thatcher)
Tickle Me Elmo doll (Ron Druben)
Timex watches (Joakim Lehmkuhl)
Tinkertoys (Charles Pajeau)
Toll House cookie recipe (Ruth Wakefield)
Topsy Tail (Tomima Edmark)
touch screen (Dr. Sam Hurst)
tow truck (Ernest Holmes, Sr.)
trampoline (George Nissan)
Tupperware (Earl Tupper)
tuxedo (Pierre Lorillard)
TV on-screen programming (Michael Levine)
2000 Flushes toilet bowl cleaner (Al Eisen)
Twister (Chuck Foley)
typewriter (Christopher Sholes)
vacuum bottle (James Dewar)
vacuum cleaner (Ives McGaffney)
Velcro (George de Mestral)
Vicks VapoRub (Lunsford Richardson)
View-Master (William Gruber & Harold Graves)
vulcanized rubber (Charles Goodyear)
Walkman (Jerome Lemelson)
waterbed (Charlie Hall)
water skis (Ralph Samuelson)
water softener (Emmett Culligan)
Water Talkies (Richie Stachowski)
wheelchairs (Harry Jennings)
Whitman Sampler (Stephen Whitman)
Wizzzer toy top (Paul Brown)
World Wide Web (Tim Berners-Lee)
xerography (photocopying - Xerox) (Chester Carlson)
Zamboni ice resurfacer for ice skating rinks (Frank Zamboni)
zipper (Whitcomb Judson)
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