Barbury Castle barley crop formation near Wroughton, Wiltshire, U. K., reported June 1, 2008, 300 feet in diameter. © 2008 by Lucy Pringle.
June 8, 2008 Timberlake, North Carolina - On June 7, 2008, I received the following email from a retired astronomical physicist from the University of Arizona, now living in Timberlake, North Carolina. He had been studying the June 1, 2008, formation in barley at Barbury Castle.
From: mreed@reedev.com

Subject: Barbary Castle Pattern = First ten digits of Pi 3.141592654
Date: June 5, 2008
On looking at the Barbary Castle pattern the ratio of the angles of the radial jumps is apparently the first ten (10) digits of the mathematical constant Pi ( the ratio of the of circumference of a circle to the diameter)
The dot after the first radial jump is even positioned correctly as the decimal point.
Take the pattern and draw radial lines from the center of the central depression though each radial jump. Take the smallest angle sector and call it one (1), then compare the other ten sectors contained angle to the smallest and pick the closest single digit for the ratio. They come out as 3.141592654.
Note that the last ratio digit has even been rounded up to four (4) since the the value of Pi out to twelve digits is 3.14159265358 and the tenth digit would normally be rounded up to four (4) if the number was only given to ten (10) places.
The significance of the three decreasing diameter circles at the end may be trying to convey the the idea that the number goes on indefinitely.
Then he sent me a graphic analysis of his Pi analysis and I called to ask him about his process of discovery, the fact that the ratcheted spiral he measured was also contained in the 1991 Barbury Castle formation and is in some of the complex diagrams contained in the 2007 leaked CARET document from the Palo Alto Laboratory about back engineering of extraterrestrial technology in the 1980s. http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1434&category=En
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